Sunday, October 10, 2010

relationships and choices

As I'm moving along, slowly and steadily losing weight I've had to ponder some things about my relationships and choices. I'm going to start with relationships. We all have a relationship with food and a relationship with exercise. How we think of it, what we like and don't like etc. I'm 5'1 and have tipped 150 a couple times now, which is obese by the doctors standard for my height. The first time I realized I was on a path of only growing in size, I went and had lipo-suction to lose the weight. Sure, it was great in the beginning, an immediate fix, who doesn't like that?! But what it didn't fix is my relationship to food and exercise. So, of course I put the weight back on, and now it will never look the same when it comes back. It's lumpy, uneven, not very cute when I add weight to my body. When I'm thin I look fine, so when I gained it back I wanted to lose it so I could look fine again. I decided to make a healthy change and went to a nutritionist once a week for a weigh in and coaching session, I also saw a trainer twice a week who got me really strong, stronger then I care to be. I then ran a marathon. I was tired of pushing myself so hard, I dreaded working out, so I took a break. I didn't want to go back because all I knew of the gym was HARD work. So again, I put the weight back on in just 1 year. So this time I'm figuring out how to make this something I can enjoy and keep as a part of my life. I had to change my relationship with exercise so that it was something I would enjoy, and not dread. Now I go to classes I enjoy, and not the ones that kill me. I go to the treadmill and just walk or run to what I feel like that day. Some days are good and some are at least just something. I always walk away happy I've done it but I no longer dread making the time to do it. I tell myself, just go and see how you feel. If you just don't want to push it then go light and come back tomorrow. I have more energy, I'm happier and proud of myself no less then before. This may not be for everybody, some people need to always be challenged and make a goal then break it, thats what drives them. For me I just want a relationship with it so that I enjoy it, want to make time for it, and it then is a part of my life and hopefully the yoyo weight ends. And it's working, for me, it's working.

What is your relationship with food and exercise? Where do you want it to be? How can you get there? Is there something you need to do to get to the point where you want to be? What choices do you need to make? Which then leads me into the next section.... CHOICES

Everything in your life has come to you through a choice. To buy this house, to take that job, to stay in this relationship, to have a baby or to not have a baby. And there are the small choices we make daily; to add extra cheese, to buy the bad bread or put that ice-cream in your cart, to work out and what you plan to do, to be in a bad mood or to be happy. Things you think you don't have control of you absolutely do. You choose your relationship with everything in your life. If something is wrong you either choose a new way to deal with it or you choose not to and choose to keep it that way. If you choose not to you are likely going to live with negative feelings, anxiety or fear, which limit you from all you are capable of. You choose to either accept it or make a change, if you can't do either then you will not be satisfied or happy. So choose the relationship you want with your food and with your exercise. If you don't like vegetables, add small portions each meal until you like it. You train your taste buds over the years, people who eat healthy have trained their taste buds to enjoy healthy. All of that training comes from your daily choices. You aren't limited, you only limit yourself.

I have no doubt in my mind that every single person here can make it to any goal they set, what they have to do to start is realize it's their choice, you choose your outcome. What one do you want? Are you going to make the choices to get there?


  1. Great Blog Annie. I totally get it. I know I have to change my relationship with food and exercise. You inspire me to do just that. I didn't think I could really control myself but have started taking that control and it feels pretty good.
    Are you sure you aren't 5'2" haha. That's what I claim I am.

  2. what happened to my comment?
    Crap, it's gone . I cant remember what I said any more so I'll try again tomorrow .

