Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New start date - No more photos required

I have made an adjustment to a rule that was not received well and changed the start date in hopes to recruit others to join due to the new rule. 

Since there was a decent amount of discomfort regarding sending photos in to me (I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or have them not join us because of the photos) I am making them optional but HIGHLY recommended. I recommend you take them even for yourself. We are visual beings and one of the best motivations and also victories is to see your before and after photos. Something I saw in my before photos is a big motivator for me, and I can only assume I won't be the only one. You may not even notice the changes until you see your photos, so do yourself a service that will benefit you later. This is also a motivator for others when they see the difference and want that for themselves, should you chose to share them. So, we are not only posting photos for ourselves but to help and motivate others so that they believe they too can do it, just like us! Again, photos are now optional but I hope that you all take them and let them motivate you and reward you for your hard work that is going into bettering yourself. You deserve it!

I have also changed the start date so that we can allow a couple more women to join and get prepared now that the new rule is in place. THE NEW WEIGH IN DATE WILL BE FRIDAY JANUARY 17th! You are REQUIRED to send a photo of the scale with an item I will email out to you on Thursday night. This is to make sure we are all collecting our weights at the same time, no early or late entries giving others an advantage. 

Please send your $35 via paypal/chase to Checks can be sent to my address upon request. We have about 10 people and 7 prizes, great odds if you ask me! 

Please set up your blog, let me know if you need instructions.  My challenge to you on your first blog is to set your intent for this challenge with large and small goals. Large goals will be your overall results and your small will be how you attain it. Make goals for the first week that help you reach your large goals. Don't overdue it, it's your first week and we all need to be kind to ourselves. I also highly recommend you read this entry my friend recently posted about WEEK 1. He is an inspiration to me, a great writer and on the same journey as many of us and I think we can all relate and be inspired by him in some way. 

I'm so excited to have you all along for this journey. Once I have all your blog address's I will email them out to everybody so we can follow along and support each other through our triumphs and tribulations. 

If you have anybody that you know that you would like to share in this journey with you/us, please let them know they can contact me and I can get them set up. We have 2 extra days to get prepared! 

Good luck!!

Sending you my love, 


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