Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 2

Hello beautiful women,

Last week was Week 1. We all were getting our feet wet with blogging. Hopefully took a few minutes to read about each other and get to know our support system. And now it's feeling a bit more normal, I hope.

I wanted to clear up the weigh in schedule. Sorry if I was not clear before. We weigh in monthly for money prizes. You should weigh weekly and log that so you know your own progress AND you can evaluate the work you did against the scale and set your goals appropriately on your blog each week. You must blog each week to win the Monthly goal.

I have been asked by 1 more woman to join and I told her yes but she will not be in the running for the money this month but can be for the final 2 months and the grand prize. In the end everybody else was given 1 extra week to win so I don't see a negative. I want to open the door to any that want it. We are working on getting her set up and I will forward her blog info out later today hopefully.

Now for your weekly challenge. We all got our feet wet last week and our challenge was to read blogs. This week I want you to log your food. With out this you REALLY don't know what's going in. You might be amazed that your salad has more calories than your pizza or the small dishes added up to way more then you thought through out the day. We also often undersize our calories by making our portions smaller than they are, thinking we are consuming less calories when in fact it's possibly double. Portion size, measuring, is a great way to understanding true portion sizes. We will likely have a challenge on that next week. This week start writing it down. If you don't want to use the computer, just write it on a piece of paper. The time it takes to write it down you may choose to skip that handful of chocolate covered pretzels. Once you make yourself accountable it's amazing what you might pass up. Personally I like to record on (they have an app on all phones) and that will add up my calories, log my exercise against it to give me more calories for the day etc. You can also be my friend on there, skinneyanniemal.

This is the same challenge I am giving myself because I need to get better and consistent at it. When I do I am a much cleaner eater.

The other will be to run 5 miles 3-4 times this week and add in strength training. I'm not doing enough of that and I don't want to injure myself.

I lost 1.5lbs last week but had a bad weekend of socialized and a few too many drinks. So I may need to fix some damage I did. Oops!

I hope you are still pumped and excited. Don't forget to drop a few words of encouragement to your fellow women friends when reading their blogs. We support you!!

Good luck on week 2! I find myself very excited when new blogs are posted in my feed. I love hearing from you!


  1. 1.5 lbs lost is better than 0 lbs lost. Good job Annie! Thank you for helping us all with this, and for your encouraging words.
