Monday, March 24, 2014


I'm sucking big time! I have no excuses except that I have to calm down my social life around my busy schedule. I need to do it anyway but MUST buckle down now. I have worked out most of the days I say I will but not cooking at home and going out will ruin anything I have tried to do. This week will be different. I have one lunch that will likely be bad (taco tuesday) but I am locking myself out of anything social until Friday where I plan to celebrate my bff's bday. Saturday night I work so that will keep me good for the most part (at least out of the social drinking world even though there is another birthday I am supposed to stop by on my way home).

This week: (I'm adding personal goals here too because it holds me accountable to myself and I need the structure)

Today: Gym, tan, laundry. Just kidding. No tanning. Maybe no laundry. Plan out vacation for my boss, send itineraries. Lunch with puppies. Read for 1 hour. Clean room. Cook up my cauliflower for dinner. Yum!  So that didn't work out! Got caught up with emails and work this am to help my sister. Did lunch with 2 pregnant gf's and now going to work at the restaurant. I will be up late finishing computer work after closing down the restaurant. Momma needs the money! And I guess walking for a few hours counts to burn calories. Right? ;)

Tomorrow: Breakfast. Gym. Lunch with co-workers. Goodwill to buy birthing books. Work. No more than 1 beer after work. (Sort of a weekly tradition to hang with co-workers on Tuesdays)

Wed: Pack my lunch. Work lunch shift. Davis for badging. Grocery shop. Run at the arboretum. If it's too hot, go to the gym before going home (no sitting down until I've worked out!). Cook a healthy dinner at home. Read 1 hour.

Thursday: Gym. Shakes, make all meals at home. Read 1 hour. Go to class.

Fri: Lunch pilates class. Sauna. Read 1 hour. Dinner with the girls.

Saturday: unknown. Work dinner till close at 11pm.

Sunday: Work morning shift. Hike. walk. golf. enjoy the sun. Something outdoors.

By next Monday I will be back at my weight of 135. Then I can set my intentions for the next week. If I don't keep these promises to myself then what good is my word? I commit to a good week and getting a lot of homework done while also preparing the majority of my meals and shakes. I know things come up and I have training for a new job that hasn't even been scheduled yet so of course things can change but I will do better this week. This I promise! 


  1. You go girl!!! I nust say the only thing thst wirks for me is being prepared...i cook one night and leftovers are luch and dinner for the next two days. I aways have a back up salad just in casr in the fridge. Good luck

    1. I packed 2 lunches already and cancelled my taco tuesday stuff. So I'm doing good so far!
