Sunday, September 12, 2010

Challenge - Committment

This week is about commitment. Lets sit down with ourself this week and ponder these questions: Do you keep your promises to other people easier then to yourself? Do you struggle making changes but desperately want them? Have you set a commitment to meet your goals yet?

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.

Peter F. Drucker quotes

Last week I posted a story from a girl who has lost over 80lbs. If you haven't read it, please scroll down and come back to this post. She made a lot of big and small commitments along the way to get to her goal. She made weekly commitments, daily commitments and 1 big commitment to herself to honor her commitments to get to her goal weight. I can honestly say the best thing you can do is to first make a commitment to give yourself what you want and what you deserve. Is your goal to lose a lot of weight or just a couple lbs this week? If those are your goals have you made a commitment to honor them?

Better a broken promise than none at all.

Mark Twain quotes

I put this quote in so that you can also have compassion for yourself if you struggle with your commitment along this journey. We often beat ourselves up and give up if we make a mistake,re-make your promise to yourself and be nice to yourself. In talking with my aunt she helped me realize that in our weekly emails we had such a hard time giving ourselves compliments but are expecting ourselves to lose this weight and change the way we cope, which for many is through food. Our weight, our commitments, all go deeper then what is on the outside, we have a lot of work to do on the inside to help us be happy with the outside. So be compassionate to yourself, make commitments this week that you can keep, make commitments to yourself that work on your body AND your spirit! Doing work to make you happy on the inside will give you the strength to hold to your commitments. Lets also all commit to BLOGGING this week. :)

Please follow our two newest additions:



Welcome ladies!

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