Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 4 - Compliments

Welcome to the new blog page! I figured this was easier then trying to follow the challenges and my weekly blog.

As I've said before this isn't just external work, we have a lot of work to do on the inside. This week I want to work on something that every women needs to do more of. COMPLIMENT & LOVE OURSELVES! Various things have been popping up and triggering me this week and I feel this is something I need to share and challenge each of us to do.

I've started reading a book called the 4 agreements, it says that from the moment we are born and start learning we make agreements; agreements that we do this or that because we were taught that is the right thing. Or we can't do or look like that because it's not good. We form an image of perfection and agree to it. If we don't fit that image we are hard on ourselves. Nobody is meaner to you then you are. It said that we will not tolerate a relationship where the person is meaner to us then we our to ourselves, no matter what the abuse is, we are really the ones allowing it because we some how think we deserve it or aren't worthy of better. This abuse is something that can get worse and worse over time, but is something we can improve over time as well. As I have grown I have completely changed the type of people I surround myself with, and each relationship I have had has improved as I have done my internal work. I joined a womens group that met weekly about a year or so ago, each week 1 topic was always brought up; are we being nice to ourselves? Do I give myself the love that I offer others? When we complained about a friend or partner we were forced to look at why we chose to allow it or why we made excuses for them. What was it that we really needed to change about ourselves? I recently went to a relationship seminar and 1 point was drilled into our heads over and over, "you can not love another, more then you love yourself." So if you want the love you dream about, you need to start with you.

With that it's time for your challenge, this week's is Daily Affirmations! I want you to take a piece of paper and write something nice that you will see everyday (preferably first thing in the morning). Stick it on your computer, write on your mirror (lipstick is my fav), place in your wallet, make a list and read them when you wake up. What is it that you need to hear? Do you tell yourself "I love you", "I am beautiful", "I am thankful to be me", "I'm going to make this a good day and cherish being ME"? Go a step farther and place a few of them all over! There is one semi-related note that I'm going to post on my computer at work that says "Go outside and enjoy the beauty" (I need to get up and take a few min walk every couple of hours because that makes me balanced and happy). In the womens group I mentioned earlier we were told to stand naken in the mirror and read off a list of affirmations once a day for a week, then the next week twice a day. So I'm actually being nice here! (but feel free to do that) This will help you appreciate yourself from the very start of your day. You may see your day change, you may see yourself doing more self loving acts, like the way you eat or desiring to add or enjoy movement that your body will benefit from.

One benefit of working on our external is we can't only make physical changes with out making internal changes. When I eat healthy and excercise I already feel better about myself. I am a person who has to stay on top of my affirmations or I start to act out. I'm realizing more and more that when I get upset with others, or start judging are the times that I'm actually self abusing. This is a life long struggle for me but a manageable one.

Please don't skip this week, it really won't take much time out of your day and could bring rewards beyond measure. Trust me, there is an abundance of love inside of you just waiting to enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new page! I think it will be helpful to have all the challenges together and not mixed up with everything else. This weeks challenge should be helpful. I know when you do this it helps your spirit so I can't imagine why we don't do it constantly. I will give it a try. Maybe not in front of the mirror naked. Tooooooo hard to say something nice. I will work on it. :)
