Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome Back Ladies of Healthy Living!

We started this group to support each other, learn, share goals and hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make towards healthy living. We started with an email group and decided we enjoy blogging and commenting better so here we go!

Each week we should trade the lead seat in sharing something to help educate us in weight loss, healthy living and also a challenge us for the week. We should each have individual goals in our weekly posts too (leader should create two I would imagine or combine then). I can take the first couple weeks to get this going unless somebody has something they want us to work towards.

This week I want us all to be conscious. Conscious of what you put in your mouth, conscious of when and how you are eating (are you watching TV, are you in a rush, are you driving, are you snacking cause your bored?) conscious of how much water you drink, and most importantly be conscious of your serving size! (ok... I had to throw in a real challenge right?!?!) Is that really a 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes, or 1 cup of cereal? Start small, wait a few minutes and eat more if you NEED it. Plan to carry an apple with you if you get hungry. We eat more then we need, so train your body to need less... The beginning is the hardest but what better day to start then today?

Next weeks challenge is going to be about commitment. I know most of you are traveling or have company so your commitment is likely not at it's strongest. Though I would have liked to start out with a commitment challenge to get us off to a good start but I think being conscious is also a good way to go.

Whether you are going out to eat, cooking for friends, on the run, stressed out... be conscious of your choices. See yourself as an outsider, where can you improve? You are worth it!

I have created a couple online pages of recipes I love. Enjoy!

Seafood Recipes (I have yet to try but am excited for the adventure)

I will post about my week tomorrow and look forward to hearing about yours!

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