Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 3 - the "diet" we LOVE!

I tried to blog on Friday but it was a pretty nutty day and then I had a terrible head ache so the moment of downtime I had I laid down before heading to Tahoe for the weekend. I did run 7 miles that day and my headache got worse and worse through my run. I guess I was shaking my brain up too much. I am not in 7mile running shape either and my half marathon is in a month. We jumped into the training a little late and my friend got that terrible flu last week and is behind schedule herself. She tries to run before her 2 babies wake up in the morning and that's not always possible. So we are both feeling a bit worried about making this happen in a few weeks. So we'll see if we make it across that finish line.

Besides that I had an incredible tail end of my week fitness wise. I would run, then bike around town to run my errands and of course fit in some sit-ups and stretching. I was looking at 3-5hrs of activity each day! I did 2 kickboxing videos I found on YouTube, Ran a total of 19miles, Biked who knows how many and finished my weekend with a really hard snowshoeing hike up in Tahoe (the altitude kicks my butt). I was so sore from my kickboxing videos because I had not done a ton of cardio for my upper body in a long time. This is def going into my new routine. You can check out a 10min video if you want to see if you like it 

Diet was pretty good too. I went to breakfast one morning and that was the extent of my bad eating. I was happy that I made good choices the rest of the time I was gone this weekend (Besides some wine and beer).

I lost a lb from the week prior when I weighed in Friday and .6 more over the weekend! This week I work everyday and have evening orientations, volunteer mtgs and training for my new Doula apprenticeship. So it's not going to leave me a ton of time to work out but lucky for me I get a couple hours in the afternoon and will use that to work out. I will also pack my lunch and dinners (good thing these shakes come in handy for travel meals). I also bought spirulina (tsp added to shakes) and chlollera pills that I'm adding to my daily regiment. Getting in even more greens and vitamins that will help repair my muscles, detox and energize me.

I have a weekend away in the city with girl friends and we plan on drinking and eating out both nights..... That is going to be my biggest challenge this week but this group gets together very rarely so I'm going to enjoy it. Keep it light and not beat myself up about it. Hopefully the work I do this week won't matter this weekend.

Now, for the Group section:

I came across a video I wanted to share with you all. I've been trying to cut down on my processed food and this is even more proof of the benefits. 2 doctors took a camera into 2 stomachs of people eating the same meal: 1 meal is made of processed food, the other made of whole foods. You can see the colors, textures and time to digest is MUCH different when your body can naturally break down what you put inside. Your challenge the first week was to observe yourself and your food. 2nd week was to record your food. So you should have a pretty good idea at this point what you are eating. But it takes weeks and weeks to be able to eyeball your calories, fiber, protein etc. Knowledge is power and it's going to be your biggest muscle in beating the fat for good. We all evolve over time, I am constantly growing in my pallet. I highly encourage you to add something you don't usually eat: a vegetable that you never buy, substitute vegan cheese or "meat" to your salad/sandwich/tortilla, add a new recipe to try and add it to your weekly line up. We all have comfort foods and it's time to be comfortable with good foods so your comfort food isn't only the bad stuff. I get excited to try new healthy things and finding ways of turning my bad comfort foods into less bad and then even into good. It's all about trying and evolving. You deserve it. I LOVE mexican food and cheese. The last 2 weeks Robin and I have gone to this Raw (no cooking above 100 degrees) Vegan (no animal products) restaurant where they have all kinds of options that aren't only salads. Home made breads (no grains, no cooking), chips (no frying, all seeds), cheeses, sour creams, desserts and our heads just about explode! We LOVE everything and every single ingredient is good for us and has some benefit for our health. We are blown away at the creativity and flavors and I love that Sacramento is embracing this place so much. They do hundreds of home delivery meals every week! I've been doing vegan cheese melted in my vegan chicken tacos or added to my salads. I have no reason to worry about my calories, the grease etc and the "meat" is already cooked, so easy! This is something I would never have thought to try before and now I'm sharing it with people and everybody has loved it. We learn from each other. Share a recipe this week for others to try. I see many girls have even asked this week for some ideas from each other. Lets turn this into a FUN diet! Eat what you want, but substitute and educate yourself on what's really going in so the better choices are actually choices you ENJOY making!

2 recipes I've been obsessed with the last 2 weeks:

Chicken Tacos:
I don't have a trader joes all that close but I love their Serrano Chile salsa and their vegan chicken strips (they are spiced a little) so I make the trek.
Trader joes whole wheat middle eastern flat bread (like the gordita shell at taco bell. Thicker then a tortilla, larger than a taco shell. Use what ever you like or have. This just give me plenty of room to go big with just one)
daiya vegan mozzarella
Trader Joes "Chicken Strips"
shredded cabbage (I buy it shredded, it goes in EVERYTHING! I <3 it!)

I heat the flat bread with some of the cheese on it. Heat the chicken strips. Add the chicken, salsa, avocado and cabbage to the flat bread and walla! You can make it into a burrito, taco etc. The flat bread has 110 calories and is probably the worst thing for me in that meal.

Veggie Pita:
Hummus (your choice)
Nutritional Yeast (another thing I LOVE! A whole protein, great cheesy, savory like flavor)
tomato/onion (whatever you like)
Whole wheat pita bread (@100 calories and the worst thing for me, again :)
hot sauce
salt pepper
vegan cheese

Roll it up and enjoy! I even started to bake it a few mins at the end and OMG so yum!

Even if you aren't vegetarian or vegan these are still great and easy substitutes. You don't have to go through the trouble of cooking your chicken when these are premade and very similar these days. Beyond Meat and Trader Joes are my favorite substitutes so far. Daiya is my favorite vegan cheese because it melts and is gooey like regular cheese. I have not tried enough to tell you what other ones are better. From reviews this is the best unless it's homemade (cashews). I also love the Qorn products. Best "fried chicken" sandwich ever! My sister even started giving her kids grilled "cheese" and the chicken burritos and they loved it! I like to substitute where I can. My body enjoys it. My conscience enjoys it. The environment enjoys it. It's all a win! Message me if you want more info on some products you want to substitute. Pretty sure I've tried them all and I love meat so I can give you a pretty good comparison.

If you like soup: Google Dolly Parton Cabbage soup. It's basic, easy and you can pretty much add anything you want from there as far as veggies go. Having a cup of veggie soup each day is a VERY low calorie snack, tons of vitamins and helps so you eat less of your main course. Add avocado to top it and it sort of becomes a tortilla soup!

Hope you share one of your fav's and I'll try to make it and try it myself!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your activity level! may make the trek to trader joes!
