Thursday, February 20, 2014

New month - getting through the week

I've had such a hectic week that I haven't really been able to get ahead of myself and blog. I've spent what time I have trying to comment on everybody's blog (still a work in progress). I don't have the best internet at my house either. Right now I have had a large dog at the house that I'm babysitting. It's quite energetic and attention hungry. I had a birth on Sun/Mon that left me sleep deprived and catching up on so much. I've worked in a 3 mile run each day (mostly to get some energy out of that dog), not eating any bad meals but I can't get a grasp at what the scale is doing. I weighed in so much lower than expected for month end and gained 3 lbs in the day or so after. Maybe sleep makes a big difference.

The week is mostly done. I'm going to try to fit in a good hike on Saturday. A good work out tomorrow and give it a good go next week with more concrete goals.

I didn't do anything bad this week. Don't know what the scale is doing but I'll be patient and see where I stabilize soon.

Great job to the winners this month and for everybody who is reconnecting for the 2nd month. It's a work in progress with a goal that we can all support each other in. It's not just about the excess weight but about creating a positive healthy future. Each battle you conquer you should give yourself a little pat on the back. Reward yourself with a little celebration of some cheers and positive thoughts and praises (and maybe some infused fruity water or something yummy). The positive energy is what is going to keep you going and create new and positive habits. So don't forget to acknowledge the positive, purposefully bring in more positive chatter and kick the negative chatter to the curb with the rewards you receive.

I would love to feature one woman a week with a photo and her story so we can all get to know each other. If you are willing and would like to volunteer, please let me know. The bond between women is pretty amazing and there really are never too many good women to have on your side.  


  1. It could be that dreaded water weight or sleep does play a big role in weight. At night, or when you sleep, you liver releases all the sugar yoi have had since your last sleep. Anyway you are doing great and a wonderful cheerleader to all of us and for that i am thsnkful. I would br willing to do a pic snd story...let me know...lots of love to annie and thank you again fir always being a positive person

    1. I just saw my comments! Oops, guess I was tired. Looks like it was my monthly visitor :) I would love to do you next week! Lets take a couple mins to chat this week unless you want to write me an email. Yay! Thanks for offering!

  2. Interested to hear more about the birth... Thank you so much for keep us all inspired and chugging along even though you too have a lot going on. Love you lady!

    1. The birth went great! She was so thankful to have me and that meant a lot. We were up all night and then the baby came at 6:24. Was not breathing and stayed in the NICU for 6 days. Poor momma. They kept him so he could have a full dose of antibiotics. I was not thrilled by her care and the lack of empathy towards keeping momma and baby together but they are home now and so in love. :)
